Empowering Conservation: Yamaha Employees Volunteer for Large-Scale Maintenance Effort in San Bernardino National Forest
Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, the powersports industry’s leading advocate for access to public lands for motorized and outdoor recreation, took a hands-on approach this past weekend with employees from the Cypress and Georgia corporate offices volunteering at a large-scale maintenance effort on the U.S.F.S. San Bernardino, one of the nation’s most visited national forests. Alongside 50 Yamaha employees, their family, and friends, members of the Southern California Mountains Foundation (SCMF) and forest service staff worked on a variety of critical maintenance projects at the popular Pinnacles OHV Staging Area to protect access to the well-traveled trails.

“The constant use of this area is fantastic as more people come to enjoy the natural spaces offered on the San Bernardino National Forest. However, that use often places a real burden on the land and it needs consistent care and attention to keep it safe and accessible for everyone,” said Linda Stamer, OHV and Restoration Partnership Director for SCMF. “We are grateful to Yamaha for its support which provides resources such as the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative grants, as well as bringing its peoplepower to work here onsite. Together we get so much important work done in a short amount of time, coming together in a community of stewardship to make a positive difference for this special place.”
This past weekend, the group of Yamaha employees, along with family and friends, conducted critical trail maintenance, repaired and replaced fencing, worked on graffiti removal, picked up trash, weeded out and watered native plants, replaced directional signs, and installed wildlife protection measures around the Pinnacles OHV Staging Area. Throughout the day, the visiting public and riding groups witnessed the immediate impact and benefits of the Yamaha employee volunteer effort.

“Ensuring public lands remain accessible is paramount to their preservation. Yamaha is committed to fostering a culture of outdoor exploration and inspiring others to join us in creating lasting memories. Through collaborative projects like these, we’re not only enhancing our public spaces but also safeguarding them for future generations. Our longstanding partnership with the Southern California Mountains Foundation reflects our dedication to this cause, and we take great pride in the collective impact of our ongoing efforts over the past 15 years,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha’s Motorsports group marketing manager.
Through grants from the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (OAI), the Southern California Mountains Foundation has received more than $120,000 to help sustain the organization’s OHV program, trail volunteer efforts, trail mapping and improvement projects at OHV staging areas throughout the region. The longstanding relationship sets an example that can be replicated across the country.
The Yamaha OAI program encourages riding clubs, land stewardship associations, and public land managers to work together with Yamaha dealers to identify projects and apply for support. Visit YamahaOAI.com for application details, or examples of some typical projects the program supports for inspiration.
The application deadline for consideration in the second quarter of the 2024 funding cycle is June 30, 2024. Submission guidelines and an application for a Yamaha OAI grant are available at YamahaOAI.com. Connect with Yamaha on social media via @YamahaOutdoors or search any of the following hashtags on all platforms: #Yamaha #YamahaOAI #REALizeYourAdventure #ProvenOffRoad #AssembledInUSA
About the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative
Since 2008, the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative has led the Powersports industry in supporting responsible access to our nation’s public lands for outdoor enthusiasts. With more than $6 million contributed to 475 projects across the country, Yamaha has directly and indirectly supported thousands of miles of motorized recreation trails, maintained and rehabilitated riding and hunting areas, improved staging areas, supplied agricultural organizations with essential OHV safety education, built bridges over fish-bearing streams and partnered with local outdoor enthusiast communities across the country to improve access to public lands. Each quarter, Yamaha accepts applications from nonprofit or tax-exempt organizations including OHV riding clubs and associations, national, state, and local public land-use agencies, outdoor enthusiast associations, and land conservation groups with an interest in protecting, improving, expanding, and/or maintaining access for safe, responsible, and sustainable public use.
Updated guidelines, application form, information, and news about the Outdoor Access Initiative are available at YamahaOAI.com. For specific questions about the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative, call the dedicated hotline at 1-877-OHV-TRAIL (877-648-8724), email OHVAccess@Yamaha-Motor.com, or write to:
Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative
Yamaha Motor Corp., USA
3065 Chastain Meadows Parkway, Bldg. 100
Marietta, GA 30066
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