Yamaha side-by-side accessories make work at the deer lease more enjoyable. Learn about the top accessories to increase comfort and productivity.
Yamaha Announces 2025 Proven Off-Road Side-by-Side and ATV Models
Yamaha sets a new Proven Off-Road standard with its 2025 Side-by-Side and ATV models, unveiling an all-new RMAX4 1000, technological enhancements, and more.
A One of a Kind Texas Whitetail
Wade has spotted a once in a lifetime buck on his trail cameras and has chosen to hunt it with the new TenPoint TRX 515 crossbow.
Whitetail Hunting Stories
In this episode, we showcase two father and son duos has they hunt whitetail in South Texas. We also highlight the versatility of our Yamaha Side-by-Sides.
Kansas Bow Hunting for Whitetail
Wade, Scott, and Steve have all returned to Kansas for another round of whitetail hunting. But weather is playing a key factor on whether they punch a tag or not.
An Unforgettable Whitetail Buck
See the story of a magnificent 13-point buck, a true trophy by any standard, and Joe’s biggest whitetail buck to date.
Mastering Whitetail Hunting in the Rain: Strategies and Insights
While some may view rainy days as deterrents, seasoned hunters know that with the right approach, rain can create opportunities to harvest elusive whitetail bucks.
Yamaha and Southern California Mountains Foundation Join Forces for Public Lands Conservation
Alongside 50 Yamaha employees, their family, and friends, members of the Southern California Mountains Foundation (SCMF) and forest service staff worked on a variety of critical maintenance projects at the popular Pinnacles OHV Staging Area to protect access to the well-traveled trails.
Hunting a One of a Kind Texas Whitetail
I have learned over the years that being a deer hunter, there are times when you get fixated on one particular deer that consumes you and nothing else you see will be the one you want to harvest.
Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative Sponsors Recreation Exhibit at New National Conservation Legacy Center in Missoula, Montana
The Recreation exhibit will focus on the many aspects of outdoor recreation along with its value to and reliance on land stewardship and conservation efforts to protect access to public lands.
Bow Hunting Across America
In this episode we join Kevin on his first velvet whitetail hunt in Kentucky. We then join Wade in Central Texas as he meets up with an old friend to hunt whitetails in the Texas brush country.
A Bow Hunting Adventure in Texas
Danny Thompson from Garmin travels over 1,000 miles to hunt whitetail for the first time in Texas with an array of Garmin products.
Whitetail Deer Hunting in Kentucky
Wade is bow hunting in Kentucky at Salt River Outfitters along with the rest of the Whitetail Diaries crew.
Getting Lucky in Kentucky
Scott Newby kicks off Deer Season in Kentucky bow hunting velvet whitetails while hunting out of the brand new Yamaha Wolverine X2 1000 Side-By-Side.
Hunting with Dad
There is nothing more special than taking your kid out for their first hunt.
Hunting Whitetail with Air Guns
Hunting Whitetail with air rifles is growing in popularity and we are here to highlight it all!
Hunting Whitetail During the Rut: Feast or Famine – Part 2
The rutting action in South Texas really heats up as Steve of Yamaha Outdoors continues his pursuit of whitetail during the rut.
Hunting Whitetail During the Rut: Feast or Famine – Part 1
Wade and Steve are going after whitetail during the peak of the rut. This episode is as unpredictable as a buck during the rut and we can't wait to bring you all the action.
Yamaha Unveils 2024 Proven Off-Road ATV and Side-by-Side Lineup
Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, sets a new standard for Proven Off-Road 2024 Side-by-Side (SxS) and ATV models with the unveiling of all-new models and technological enhancements.
Introducing the All-New Proven Off-Road Yamaha Wolverine X2 1000
Yamaha expands its Proven Off-Road lineup of recreational Side-by-Sides (SxS) with the launch of the all-new Wolverine X2 1000.