It's part two of an archery hunt in Kentucky held on opening weekend of deer season in 2018 where the quest for bucks in velvet continues. Conditions are warm to say the least but good bucks have been seen and several are down in the main camp already. Will Steve and Wade get their shot... Continue Reading →
Hunting Kentucky Whitetails in Velvet – Part One
We're in Kentucky for opening weekend of the Kentucky Archery season with hopes of encountering whitetails in velvet as we visit Salt River Outfitters for an early season archery hunt.
Passing on Hunting Traditions to the Kids
In this episode of Yamaha Whitetail Diaries, we spend time passing on the time honored traditions of families hunting together as we join several young hunters on whitetail hunting trips with their fathers. Who will be the most nervous? Probably the dads, if we're guessing.
Crazy Things That Happen in Deer Hunting
In this episode of Yamaha Whitetail Diaries, we look at some funny and crazy stories about deer hunting that will leave you scratching your head at times. Whitetail deer are North America's most popular game species to hunt -- whether it's on family land, public land, or on a deer lease, hunters nationwide covet the time spent hunting whitetail deer and the stories they take home.
Hunting Whitetails Near Bedding Areas
In this episode of Yamaha Whitetail Diaries, we’re targeting whitetail bucks coming from a bedding area and working out to a big field to feed in the afternoons, and then coming from the field to the bedding area. We also take an in-depth look at the Thompson Center Pro Hunter Encore and Yamaha Wolverine X4.
Handgun Hunting for Whitetail Deer
Yamaha Whitetail Diaries takes and in-depth look at handguns that are designed to be used for hunting. In this episode, we learn more about the full lineup of Smith & Wesson Performance Center Handguns with special emphasis on the .460XVR. In addition to that, we'll spend time in the field on several whitetail deer hunts featuring a variety of hunters ranging from experts to newcomers in the art of handgun hunting. We'll go on a pair of hunts in this episode where we'll be using the Smith Wesson Performance Center 460XVR.
FAQ’s of Deer Hunting
Wade sat down and answered our most popular questions about hunting that we've received.
Dan Gurr from Cabela’s bow hunts for his first Texas Whitetail
We join Cabela's Dan Gurr as he goes after his first Texas whitetail at the Whitetail Diaries Deer Camp.
Strategy for Early Season Whitetail
Wade’s thoughts are that based on the heat are moving early and late near this pond and he's hoping to intercept a whitetail coming and going.
Cabela’s Instinct™ Optics Field Test Hunt
Yamaha Whitetail Diaries takes a look at the preparation that goes into a successful whitetail hunt with insight and information on choosing rifle scopes in this episode.
Archery Week!
Yamaha's Whitetail Diaries is joined by Dan Gurr from the Cabela's archery team for a exciting week of archery hunting. While on the hunt, Dan will share insight on Cabela's archery products, how to choose gear for your needs, and encounter a buck that will....well, you'll have to watch and see! Want to learn more... Continue Reading →
Montana Whitetail
With snow flying and the rut in action Wade Middleton finds himself in Montana trying to get in front of a mature whitetail buck. What happens still leaves Wade scratching his head as he had never seen anything like it in how whole life as he sees a deer that he takes a shot at... Continue Reading →
Crossbows & Whitetail
The popularity of crossbow hunting continues to soar and in this show it's all about the crossbows as we head out into the field with two hunters carrying their Ten Point Crossbows. Crossbows & Whitetails
Kentucky Bow Hunt
Kentucky Bow Hunt In this episode Wade Middleton visits Central Kentucky with dreams of harvesting a whitetail buck that might still be in velvet during the opening weekend of the season. While there he'll be hunting with Salt River Outfitters. Later in the show we head over to North Carolina to debut the all... Continue Reading →