TIME: Late October
WIND: SSE 8-10mph
TEMP: Low of 55 with high of 80
WEATHER: Clear and Sunny with no chance of rain
We join Cabela’s Dan Gurr as he goes after his first Texas whitetail at the Whitetail Diaries Deer Camp. Dan is well versed in archery hunting as he works in the Cabela’s Archery division and has been key in helping to ensure hunters for years nationwide have a great selection of archery hunting gear available to them at all times.
While on this hunt Dan is going to be dealing with acorns falling in heavy cover however, he’s hunting the legendary killing tree and the deer are moving around the area as always as he waits for this first Texas buck while field testing a new Cabela’s Broadhead; the Cabela’s Incision™ Malice Broadheads

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