The whitetail rut is always a primetime to go hunting. Wade heads out during the rut in South Texas to catch a glimpse of some rutting action and fill the freezer.
A One of a Kind Texas Whitetail
Wade has spotted a once in a lifetime buck on his trail cameras and has chosen to hunt it with the new TenPoint TRX 515 crossbow.
Whitetail Hunting Stories
In this episode, we showcase two father and son duos has they hunt whitetail in South Texas. We also highlight the versatility of our Yamaha Side-by-Sides.
A Father and Son Crossbow Hunt
Scott and Cullen's return to Texas was fueled by the desire to make this hunting trip even more successful.
Hunting a One of a Kind Texas Whitetail
I have learned over the years that being a deer hunter, there are times when you get fixated on one particular deer that consumes you and nothing else you see will be the one you want to harvest.
Hunting with Dad
There is nothing more special than taking your kid out for their first hunt.
Whitetail Hunting with Crossbows
Brian Flaherty and Wade hit the woods with the latest crossbows from TenPoint. Brian encounters the biggest buck of his life and Wade goes on doe patrol to put these new crossbows to the test here in South Texas.
Passing on Bucks: Risk vs Reward – Part 2
After passing on a buck the first day Josh is hoping to get another chance at a shooter while Josh gets the chance to pull the trigger.
Passing on Bucks: Risk vs Reward – Part 1
Opening week of general deer season in Texas is always exciting and this time is no different.
TenPoint Stealth 450: Premium Speed and Accuracy
TenPoint Crossbow Technologies launched their fastest forward draw crossbow ever, the NEW Stealth 450.
TenPoint Viper 430: Blistering Fast and NEW 100-Yard Scope
TenPoint Crossbow Technologies recently launched their latest blistering fast crossbow with greater accuracy and safe de-cocking - the NEW Viper 430.
Meet the TenPoint Flatline 460™
TenPoint Crossbows continues its dominance in crossbow speed, accuracy, and shoot-ability with the fastest compact crossbow the world has ever seen.
Traditions of Hunting Opening Day
The tradition of hunting deer on opening weekend brings us all together.
Crossbow Hunting at the Deer Lease
A deer lease is a coveted piece of land that holds a special place in a hunter's heart.
Deer Hunting with the TenPoint Nitro 505 Crossbow
Wade & Brian hunt whitetails during a warm December with the fastest crossbow in the world.
TrueTimber® Teams up with TenPoint Crossbows for Spring Sweepstakes
TrueTimber has teamed up with TenPoint Crossbows to host a spring sweepstakes.
TrueTimber® and TenPoint Crossbow Titan M1 Sweepstakes
TrueTimber has teamed up with TenPoint Crossbows to host a summer sweepstakes.
Finance Your Crossbow Purchase with TenPoint Crossbows!
Whether it’s a crossbow, arrows, or accessories, get the TenPoint product you need today and Pay Tomorrow with financing options.
TenPoint HAVOC: The Fastest Compact Crossbow Ever
TenPoint Crossbow Technologies recently launched the industry’s fastest crossbow-per-inch – the NEW Havoc RS440.