It’s mid-December here in Texas, which means two things, Steve Nessl of Yamaha Outdoors is in camp, and the rut is in full swing!
Steve is rifle hunting with a Thompson/Center Venture II Weathershield equipped with a Trijicon Credo HX Riflescope in an area we call “The Big Bluff”. What makes “The Big Bluff” a great spot is that you can sit high above an expansive valley below seeing every move the deer make.
Now Steve has sights set on a big shooter that’s been roaming around the area. With the peak of the rut going on however, there’s no telling whether or not that buck will even make and appearance. But that doesn’t mean there’s a shortage of rutting activity to witness!
While Steve is out hunting, we join up Wade as he is out and about taking care of the property by filling up a popular dried up pond thanks to a 20 month drought.
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