Scott Newby from Yamaha joins us in deer camp following the annual Yamaha Writer’s Event. In this episode we’ll learn more about Yamaha’s newest Side-by-Sides and then later, Scott is off to the Guajillo for an evening rifle hunt.
Scott has really evolved and come a long way as a hunter. Scott is very patient, very passionate, and wants to do the right thing, which is a great testament to somebody when it comes to hunting.
Scott being in camp is also an opportunity to learn more about the new Yamaha Wolverine RMAX Side-By-Side’s functionality. In this episode, Scott heads across the deer lease in the Yamaha Wolverine RMAX2 and shows us why this recreation side-by-side can handle anything you throw at it when it comes to hunting.
The area where Scott is hunting is called the Guajillo, an expansive valley flat type area with a couple of oak trees in the backdrop where we have some tripod stands set up. This area is a rifle hunter’s dream! This is perfect because Scott got a lot of time perfecting long-range shots with the Thompson/Center Compass II and Trijicon Huron Scope combo we got set up for him.
With the possibility of 300 – 500 yard shots never knowing what will show up at any given time, this is sure to be an exciting hunt!
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