The Yamaha Whitetail Diaries crew is in Texas for their traditional opening weekend hunt with the Wendlandts. Its always a great time with good food, golf, hunting, laughs and of course whitetails.
More GIANT Whitetail
In this episode of Yamaha's Whitetail Diaries, Wade Middleton wraps up his hunt with the Smith & Wesson Performance Center .44 Mag and Jeff Reynolds goes hunting with his crossbow! Opening Weekend Continues - More GIANT Texas Whitetail!
Opening Weekend Is (Finally) HERE!
In this episode of Yamaha's Whitetail Diaries, Yamaha's Steve Nessl and our Wade Middleton venture out to the Wendlandt Ranch for Opening Weekend! Join the excitement while Wade hunts with his Smith & Wesson Performance Center handgun and Steve does some bow hunting. You've Waited All Year - Opening Weekend!