Yamaha Grant Program Supports Donation Pledge of up to $500,000 in 2019
Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, announces it is awarding more than $86,000 to five organizations as part of its pledge to fund up to $500,000 in Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (OAI) grants in 2019. Supporting the company’s commitment toward deploying essential resources to those meeting the challenges of accessing public lands for outdoor recreation, Yamaha encourages outdoor enthusiast groups and land stewardship organizations to apply for funding at YamahaOAI.com.
For more than 10 years, Yamaha’s industry-leading OAI program has contributed nearly $4 million in funding and equipment to more than 300 deserving grant recipients across the country. Yamaha continues to seek OAI grant recipients for projects from ATV, Side-by-Side, motorcycle, snowmobile, and outdoor enthusiasts and associations – all of whom share the common need for land access to enjoy their lifestyle. Projects receiving a Yamaha OAI grant often have a strong stewardship component, as well as an inclusive community of users working together, ensuring all types of outdoor recreationists can access public land sustainably and safely. For 2019, Yamaha OAI is pledging up to $500,000 in advancing land-access efforts.
“There are so many outdoor recreation organizations needing assistance in their work to protect, restore, and improve access to public land,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha’s motorsports marketing manager. “With pledging up to $500,000 in 2019, we want all of those fighting for access to know Yamaha is here to help and we’re committed to ensuring public lands are available to everyone.”

- Arizona State Association of 4-Wheel Drive
- Post Wildfire OHV Recovery Alliance (PWORA)
- Save the Rider’s Dunes
- Southern California Mountain Foundation
- The Great Outdoors Fund
- Trail development, restoration, and maintenance
- Trail signage and map production
- Staging area construction, renovation, and maintenance
- Land stewardship, safety, and education
Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA (YMUS), is a recognized leader in the powersports industry. The company’s ever-expanding product offerings include Motorcycles and Scooters, ATV and Side-by-Side vehicles, Snowmobiles, WaveRunner Personal Watercraft, Boats, Outboard Motors, Outdoor Power Equipment, Power Assist Bicycles, Golf Cars, Power Assist Wheelchair Systems, Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Machines, Unmanned Helicopters, Accessories, Apparel, and much more. YMUS products are sold through a nationwide network of distributors and dealers in the United States. YMUS has a corporate office in California, two corporate offices in Georgia, facilities in Wisconsin and Alabama, and factory operations in Tennessee and Georgia. Additional U.S.-based subsidiaries include Yamaha Marine Systems Company (YMSC) with divisions Bennett Marine (Florida) and Kracor Systems (Wisconsin), Skeeter Boats (Texas), with division G3 Boats (Missouri), and Yamaha Precision Propeller (Indiana).
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