It’s been really cool to spend time down on the range, showing others what we’ve learned about handgun hunting, talking about the strategies of hunting with a handgun, talking about the trigger pull, talking about practicing, and then watching them, grab a handgun and going out for the very first time. And we’ve had some success and we’ve had some misses out there, but it’s been really fun to watch and share that passion. That’s the cool thing about handgun hunting when we talk about it, it’s infectious. It’s addictive and once you start shooting it, you’re going to want to shoot more, you’re going to want to do it more, and you’re going to have another means and methods to be able to go hunting. In this video, Wade’s good friend, Jeff Reynolds, is going out hunting with a handgun for the first time.
Man, I’m pretty excited about this, this is my first time ever trying to hunt with a handgun. I’ve watched Wade, Tony do it, Michael has done it. And I’ve got to see it done a lot, but I’ve never really, I haven’t got into shooting handguns, but I got to come out to the range with Wade the other day and shoot three or four times just to kind of see what it was like. This gun I’m hunting with is a powerful weapon. It is a Smith and Wesson 460 Performance Center pistol. Wade has given me a chance to go hunt with it and I’m fixing to shoot a couple more times on the range with it. Just to be sure I’m confident, you know, I can make a good shot if the opportunity comes up.
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